Monday, July 19, 2010

I realized today that our postings have not been very personal lately. We have both been pretty busy with life, I know I am on vacation, but blogging has lost some of it's fun and excitement. Topher had Friday and Saturday off and we had fun. On Friday, we went to Xanadu, the comic book store, together for once! We also looked at furniture on Cap Hill, we still need a small couch, a desk and some rugs.

On Saturday I made breakfast, including gluten free biscuits! We had our pregnant lady and partner yoga class (which will help us with the labor) and then went to the Annual Can't Stop the Serenity shindig. Then, Topher took me out to Teapot (vegan Chinese restaurant on Cap hill) for dinner.

I finally made the Mason-Dixon Baby Kimono, tried to make it as unisex as possible. Skipped the ribbons and put buttons on it instead.

Right now I am trying to decide on either trying to kick into a higher gear to finish up my bag:

or knitting a swatch for a super cute, Debbie Bliss baby sweater....I'll probably end up doing both.

I tried really hard to go to a movie today, Please Give, but my pregnant body could not get it together so I went in search for cheap picture frames. We have 3 pictures we want to put up soon, without breaking the bank. I went to Annie's, Joann, Bartell and Fred Meyer and found 1 frame (for the baby's room) and 2 plate/tray hangers (for the kitchen). So, we'll have 3 more things on our wall and I wish artists would produce art that is a standard size! Oh well, the search continues. (or maybe we'll get mats cut and get inexpensive frames still.) We are pretty proud of the Spock plate that is now hanging in the kitchen, that we got for $5.00 at a garage sale!

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